
Artist Statement

It all starts like magic. A sudden gush of inspiration, a hymn, a whisper, an idea or a question comes to my mind. The creative inspiration is conscious of the unconscious, premonitions and visions, a warm intuitive voice, automatisms and paranoiac visages. Sometimes they come to me in my sleep; other times they just evaporate. It is here that I begin to create. I cannot imagine my life without this connection.

The Broken Hallelujah is rendered with colors of hot intensity. I employ elements of Magical Realism, where the size of the figures are often exaggerated, not to scale and juxtaposed to suspend conventional belief. Set in a surreal digital world, these works asks what is a women's worth in a male dominated social media culture. There is always perpetual searching, maybe something better will come along as we continue to swipe left. The Broken Hallelujah is meant to be absurd as it spoofs the “hook up” culture. Plastic Barbie dolls engage in sex acts as the public passively looks on, perhaps wanting to join the party. In the end, all of this is meaningless and eventually dissolves into nothingness. The images are sometimes shocking with recurring symbolism of sex and death, a longing for home, and the aspiration to ascend to a higher consciousness with a knowledge that we are all One.